Channel: Whirlwind Action
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: mmafemale kung fumixed martial artsbjj girlmartial artskung fu girlvideo game stylegrapplingmartial arts fightingfight scenekarate girlkaratefemale karatebrazilian jiu-jitsufightkickboxingsandawushufemale mmamartial arts womanslug street scrappersmartial arts fight scenewoman vs manfan filmversuskung fu womantaekwondomartial arts moviefemale vs malekung fuchoreographedjiu-jitsumma girlkyokushinvswing chun
Description: Ryuken Kazama (Kyokushin & Shotokan Karate) vs Knuckles Clark (Kung Fu & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu). From SSS episode 7, "The End Begins." Featuring Tess Kielhamer & Shaun Charney Slug Street Scrappers is a live-action fighting game & anime inspired TV show. This 10-episode action/comedy series is inspired by Street Fighter, Streets of Rage, Double Dragon, and other console & arcade games from the 1980's & 1990's, and showcases martial arts styles from around the world battling head-to-head. It also homages various anime from the same time-period. Watch the full series playlist here: